
The Lives and Journeys of African American Slaves in Northern America



Post-Assessment Scoring Guide:

4 - Two facts/events listed under each of the three headings communicated clearly;
shows an understanding of major concepts even though he/she overlooks or
misunderstands less important ideas or details.  Narrative is written in first person.  The cover is appealing, and has a title.

3 - Fewer than two facts/events listed under one or more of the three headings.
Student completes some important components of the task; some gaps in
conceptual understanding.  Narrative is not written in first person.  The cover is adequate.

2 - One fact/event listed under each of the three headings.
Some gaps in conceptual understanding; answer lacks clear communication.  Narrative is not written in first person.  Missing a cover and/or title page.

1 - Facts missing under one or more of the three headings.
Only highly generalized facts/ideas; minimal understanding; answer lacks clear
communication.  Narrative is not written in first person.  Missing both cover and title page.

(ODE, 2012)


# Score
Students prove their understanding of African American slavery in North America by gathering the correct facts and details for their narrative Rate 1 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 2 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 3 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 4 (Breakdown listed above) Score
Students will research websites and information online and gather pertinent research for their narratives Rate 1 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 2 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 3 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 4 (Breakdown listed above) Score
Students will share the information gathered with classmates and present information about individual slaves by creating a pamphlet/narrative, written in the first person, describing a life in slavery Rate 1 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 2 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 3 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 4 (Breakdown listed above) Score
Student displays the ability to write their narrative with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, correct text alignment, and in first person Rate 1 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 2 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 3 (Breakdown listed above) Rate 4 (Breakdown listed above) Score

Total Score:

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