
All Wrapped Up: The Ancient Egyptian Mummy



This project is worth 150 points, 25% will account for each students grade for the quarter. Therefore, it is important to accurately score students participation, creativity, organization, and knowledge gained as a group and individuals. Students will receive a copy of graded work to review areas of strengths and weaknesses.


# Beginning Developing Good Excellent Score
Each student is expected to write an individual 250-word essay and combine into one booklet per group that reads like a story with cover page and table of content. One or two students wrote less than required. Booklet not in story order. Did not complete cover page or table of content. One student wrote less than required. Booklet reads okay. Did not have completed table of contents. All students wrote as required. Booklet reads okay. Cover page okay. Missing table of content. Each student in this group wrote according to directions submitting 250-word essays for the team booklet that included cover page and table of contents. 45
Students have knowledge of mummification, who, why, and where pyramids were built. Must include illustrations and examples of content founds; as well as the understanding of hieroglyphics. No illustrations. No full understanding of instructed content. Few illustrations. Some understanding of instructed content. Used good illustrations with some understanding of instructed content. Used excellent illustrations and understanding of mummification, what pyramids where designed for, and understanding of hieroglyphics. 35
Display classroom oral and visual presentation with creativity and critical thinking skills. Classroom presentation was not affective and showed little knowledge gained. Visual presentation was good need work on oral presentation skills. Visual and oral presentation was good. Needs better organization. Class presentation included excellent oral and visual competence with explanation of all content areas. Well organized. 35
Team must show appropriate collaboration skills in all areas during project. Team members did not work well together due to disagreements. Team members did not listen to chosen leader. Missed work in some content areas. Team members worked well together. Need help with organization skills. Collaboration, participation, and communication during preparation of project was excellent also used internet appropriately. 35

Total Score: 150

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