


You will be evaluated as a team for this WebQuest. You will be assessed on whether you fulfilled your assigned role, how you worked as a team in completing your poster, whether your poster fulfilled the requirements (found in the process) and the overall quality of your poster and presentation. Good Luck!


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Fulfill Assigned Role Does not perform duties associated with role. Completes very little of duties associated with role. Performs nearly all of duties associated with role. Performs all duties of assigned role. out of 4
Team Work Always relies on others to do the work. Rarely does the assigned work--often needs reminding. Usually does the assigned work-- rarely needs reminding. Always does the assigned work without having to be reminded. out of 4
Attention to Detail and Creativity - Poster Creation Poster was messy and not well organized. Did not contain any poster requirements. Poster was neat but not well organized. Contained 1 or 2 of the poster requirements. Poster was neat and well organized. Poster contained all of the requirements. Poster was neat, well organized and showed extensive creativity and contained all poster requirements. out of 4
Overall Quality Poster and Presentation showed minimal understanding of what class defines as quality. Poster and Presentation exhibited basic understanding of what class defines as quality. Poster and Presentation exhibited near mastery of what class defines as quality. Poster and Presentation exhibited mastery of quality and raises the level in a unique way. out of 4

Total Score: 16

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