
La Television Francaise



# 1 out of 4 2 out of 4 3 out of 4 4 out of 4 Score
Steps At least 3 steps are missing At least 2 steps are missing At least 1 step is missing Nothing is missing %25
Vocabulary and Grammar Many Vocabulary mistakes little or no new Vocabulary More than 2 mistakes Some new Vocabulary used 1 or 2 grammar mistakes New vocabulary used No mistakes New Vocabulary used extensively %25
Presentation Project is not typed Not organized Lacks neatness Most of the project is typed Fairly organized The project is organized and clean Everything is typed Excellent presentation with illustrations Everything is typed %25
Programming None of the programs are French Did not follow the surveys Channel has no name Some of the programming is French Followed at times the surveys Channel has a name Most of the programming is French Followed the surveys Channel has a French name All of the programming is French Followed the surveys Channel has a French original/catchyname %25

Total Score: %100

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