


Great Job!

I would like to congratulate you for all the hard work you have done in finishing the book  Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, your research about her life, her family, the major events in World War II, the time you took to reflect on the stories you read, and the completion your articles! Give yourself a pat on the back.  As your editor-in-chief, I am genuinely looking forward to reading about all the things you have learned in this WebQuest. I am especially interested in how you were able to piece it together with your reflection in regards to our ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are stories from the past, relevant to me today? Once I am finished with evaluating each article, using the rubric provided, I will be placing them all together in this unit's digital magazine for all to read and enjoy! 

Learning about the past through stories written by those who lived through major events in history and being able to reflect on its relevance to today is a key part toward growing up and making good life choices. I encourage you to continue this process of reading, researching, asking questions, and reflecting in this class, other classes, and beyond. This is the stuff that really matters and has the potential to make a difference. 

The following links provide you with more on Anne Frank; as well as, others you may be interested in getting to know a little bit better:

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