
Technology and Cell Phone Evolution



Technology has and will continue to change the way we live. We examined how technology has made our life easier. We brainstorm living without it, using cell phones for various activities, not being able to play games online, visit virtual classrooms, wash our clothes in machines, finding information using the Internet with a click of a button, and type rather than write with paper and pencil. We evaluated and analyzed how our life was living in the ‘old age’. Technology is amazing!

The point of this WebQuest was to have you critique how technology has changed the way we learn, live and communicate. To have you embrace online assessments; the Smarter Balanced and i-Ready Assessments showed that you didn’t try your best. In the near future, it will be require for you to take an exit assessment online to move forward to the next grade. Therefore,you must try your best, you no longer can click and move-on. Note that this is another way technology has changed our life. In the years to come, as you continue to use your choice technology, you will see that you are living in an‘ever changing’ technological World. You will also realize that the World will be better off without some technology as it is easier and better with some.



  • Warp-up Activity
    Description: Please complete the Warp-up Activity, download file for additional information

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