
Nurse Fatigue



Fatigue in nursing is becoming a common phenomenon. This is a sad fact based on statistical findings from current studies. It interferes with practice and daily life. Errors and accidents caused by fatigue can be prevented. It begins with the education of workers and employers. Yes, employers must be mindful of the problems caused by fatigue, scheduling, etc., but staff nurses have a personal and professional responsibility to practice safe quality care. 

The goal is awareness. Nurses to become more aware of their own level of fatigue, recognize it in others, and to be able to implement realistic interventions to manage and prevent fatigue. Whether it means recognizing it in a co-worker and being able to give them ideas to overcome fatigue at that moment (a 15-20 minute uninterrupted nap during break) or being able to determine if someone is safe to be at work all together. Imagine you are already tired at the end of your shift, you only have a little ways to go to get home. Will you make it there? The more hours you are awake the more "intoxicated" you drive. So are you really safe to practice if you are not safe to drive?

Lets all pull together and act now to prevent and manage our fatigue for the safety of our patients, our selves and everyone around us.

Thank you.

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