Total Records: 1171
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Subject: Art / Music Grade Level: 9-12

  • A ópera En Italia
    Webquest sobre a ópera en Italia
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Noelia Sanromán
    Views: 124 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (0)
  • Getting To Know An Artist
    In this webquest you'll be tasked with researching for and creating a poster featuring an artist that has lived during the 20th century.
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Dean Odle
    Views: 123 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Pop Art Movement
    Welcome! This is going to be an exploration into the Pop Art Movement, it's artists, and concludes with you making your own POP ART PIECE!
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Angela Kirchubel
    Views: 118 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Theme & Variation
    In this WebQuest students will engage in learning about theme and variation with the use of nursery rhymes. Students will study and compare the variations of Mozart's 12 variations of "Ah, vous dirai-je, maman" KV 265. Then in groups of 3
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Anne Campbell
    Views: 118 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • History Of Piano/Keyboards
    Students will learn about the invention of piano and the use of pianos or keyboards through history.
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Noah Burns
    Views: 118 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Kaodasinzu
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Kaoda Sinzu
    Views: 112 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Stage 5 Assessment
    To design a mask based on learnings from lesson - and your own research.
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Philip Hopper
    Views: 104 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Άθλ&om
    icron;ι το&upsil
    on; ηρα&ka

    Σε αυ&tau
    ;ή την ιστ&o
    ;η θα μάθ&omicro
    lon; &kapp
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Dionisis Ch.
    Views: 81 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Educación Artística (instrumentos Musicales)
    Bienvenidos/as Estudiantes del Liceo Secundario Luis José Antoine Esta WebQuest les permitirá sumergirse en el fascinante mundo del arte, comprender los contextos históricos de diferentes movimientos y desarrollar sus propias ha
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Manauris Guzmán
    Views: 80 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Tell Me About Your Favorite Singer/Musician
    I want to learn about YOUR favorite Singer/Musician because then I feel as though I will know you better! Tell me all you can and any fun facts you would like to add!
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Kalyn Sulcer
    Views: 73 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • ταξ&iot
    a;δι στα εγ&kap
    a; τησ μυθ

    Μια ιστ&o
    a;η σχ&epsilon
    με την Μυθ
    Subject: Art / Music | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Nik Tza
    Views: 18 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)

Total Records: 1171
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