



Welcome: Connections\
Description: This WebQuest invites students to find out how two seemingly unrelated topics are connected and by doing so, learn about each of the areas independently. This is a web-based exercise emphasizing research and analysis.
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Technology
Keywords: Library, Defense Language Institute, John Steinbeck
Author(s): C Arnold


The Defense Language Institute
Description: Paste this link into your browser: http://www.dliflc.edu/
The Library of Congress ( http://catalog.loc.gov )
Description: This is the Nation's Library. It has an unbelievable amount of publications of every kind and most of them are connected to each other somehow. We might be able to find some information about our topics in the Library of Congress Catalog (http://catalog.loc.gov) but we'll likely have to dig a bit deeper to find out how the Defense Language Institute and the novels of John Steinbeck are connected!
John Steinbeck
Description: Cut and paste this link into your browser: http://www.steinbecknow.com/about-john-steinbeck-2/

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