
Sharing Culture and Meals

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These are the goals and standard I used to guide my webquest! 

TESOL Standards

1. To Use English to participate in social interactions

            1.1 Practice and use phrases for shopping, purchasing ingredients for their dish 

            1.2 Negotiate a dish to research and prepare from the websites on the webquest

1.3 Express personal ideas about choosing a dish in the group before starting research, and express group ideas about choosing a dish to the class at the end

1.4 Express personal ideas about visiting the grocery store in the group, and express group ideas about visiting the grocery store to the class

1.5 Contribute equally based on the specified task to share roles in the meal


2. To Use English for language and literary education

            2.1 Apply basic reading skills to comprehend information on the websites

2.2 Synthesize ideas about dishes, culture, recipes, and prices from the websites, following their task worksheet


3. To Use English for Content Learning

3.1 Write sentences with Social Studies and Math target vocabulary initially from a worksheet and then in a short paragraph.

3.2 Calculate the individual and total price of ingredients for the dish 

3.3 Create a visual and prepare an oral report to present the research about the dish, culture, recipe, reasoning, cost, store trip, meal making

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