
The Trojan War

Teacher Page

This WebQuest focuses on the events that lead to the Trojan War. It allows students to study the many factors that, through cause and effect, ended in a ten year conflict. It is intended as background or exposition for The Odyssey, not as a lead into or comprehensive study of the war itself.


I use the unit as a hook. Most students know of the Trojan War, even if they haven't seen the movie. What few understand is that it began with an uninvited dinner guest. Through this WebQuest, students will:

- explore cause and effect

- research and compile findings

- construct interview questions to uncover facts and opinions

- compare perspectives

- synthesize several stories to arrive at a multi-perspective picture of a historical event


Prerequisite Skills:

- ability to use the Internet

- understanding of the interview process


Time Required: 3+1 day- 3 days for lessons and preparation ( 45 minutes each) and 1 day for presentation day.


Technology Needs/Materials Needed:
- at least one computer for each group with Internet access

- a camcorder if you or your students choose to record this

- costuming is optional but always fun


Credits: All web links belong to their appropriate authors. I wish to thank them for their material and acknowledge their contributions.

The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 29,606
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