
Travelling around Paris

Teacher Page


This webquest is about students finding information about the different modes of transportation in Paris and how they can use it to get to their destination. This webquest should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete in the classroom.

For teachers, wishing to use this webquest,  I would recommend that they look at the maps first before they start the lesson.


This lesson is aimed at 7th graders.  According to the National Standards Curriculum, students are required to learn about the transportation system in order to find their way around.  It is a virtual lesson which captures the imagination.


I would like to thank my lecturer, Mr Hayne Cooper for his patience and support whilst I built this website.  A special thank you goes to  GoogleMaps for the maps which were used. Last but not least, I would also like to thank my fellow classmates who shared their learning experiences with me.


Technology in the classrooms is a dynamic tool to use.

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WebQuest Hits: 312
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