
Simple Present Tense and Simple Past Tense

Teacher Page


This WebQuest contains assignments and brief material explanations about Simple Present Tense and Simple Past Tense that students must work on. It takes less than a week to do this WebQuest.

My suggestion is that WebQuest can be used as an alternative in giving assignments to students, it is rather difficult to use WebQuest if it is approved for the first time. So it is very mandatory to try to increase the knowledge of a online, because it really easy the teacher in giving assignments.


Students can use and distinguish tenses correctly.


Thank you to my lecturer Ms. Muthia Mubasyira, S.S., M.Hum, who gave my assignment to make a WebQuest to complete the final project. Thank you to the article about tenses that I found on google and the English book Grammar by Betty S. Azar for their help so I can get material about tenses. Thank you to Pinterest, whose wallpaper I used for this image in WebQuest. 

Thank for you too who appreciated this WebQuest.

Thank you very much!


Keep passion in making educational innovations!

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