
Cultural Traditions and Celebrations: We Tripantu

Teacher Page


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This webquest is thought to be completed by K9/9th grade students who reached the B1 level, according to the common european framework.
This webquest an introductory activity to the Unit 4 “Traditions and Festivities” in the Chilean English curriculum, exercising skills like Reading comprehension and Vocabulary acquisition.
In the context that it was created, it took into account students who attend to a school in San Pedro de la Paz, subsidised by the government, and they are in the appropriate level for the course, given that they had a good english teacher. The classroom atmosphere is always relaxed and efficient, given that the T is always making sure that Ss are comfortable and engaged. There are some ethnic minorities inside the classroom (Mapuche and Colombian Ss). The vast majority of the Ss have breakfast everyday and come from a stable household with both parents present.


This Webquest has been created according to the Curriculum Nacional for 9th grade  MINEDUC, Curriculum Nacional 1°M

This is based on the 4th unit of the curriculum "Traditions and Festivities". This unit is aimed for students to be able to communicate and express their ideas about traditions and celebrations not only in Chile, but other parts of the world as well.


As a reference for the creation of this Webquest, we based our lesson and activities on the Curriculum Nacional, MINEDUC (2016) for 1°Medio grade.

National Curriculum Document



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