
Colonizing Mars

Teacher Page


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This WebQuest is a great way to engage students' creativity and passion for adventure.  There are numerous Hollywood movies and television series to peak the students interest by showing a trailer or brief clip.  The following movie trailer is a great clip to begin the project with:


This project allows students some flexibility and freedom in exploring the possible risks and value colonizing Mars which supports their learning in multiple areas including: Astronomy, mathematics, earth natural resources, energy sources, alternative energy sources, technology, problem solving, risk analysis, and ecosystems.

The first part of the assignment is designed to gather facts and aid students in doing their preliminary research.  The written assignment portion is designed to encourage students to use data and information to formulate logical arguments that are based on factual information and reliable sources.

I highly recommend ending the lesson with an in class discussion to allow students to challenge each other's ideas, share their ideas, and share what they have learned.

What I like most about this assignment is that it brings various aspects of science together in a practical and exciting way.  Instead of isolating each aspect of science, this allows students to finally use what they have learned in a real world scenario.  What I also like about this topic is that it is very topical for their generation.  Unlike learning about astronauts in the 60's and 70's traveling to the moon, this is something that their generation may experience in the future.  As I type this, scientists, politicians, and businesses are discussing this very topic.


HS-ESS3-2. Evaluate competing design solutions for developing, managing, and utilizing energy and mineral resources based on cost-benefit ratios.*


Images Sources:






Content Resources:

Website: NASA - Mars information page
Link: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/mars/overview/
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Funding: (Public) US Government

Website: NASA – MARS Facts
Link: https://mars.nasa.gov/all-about-mars/facts/
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Funding: (Public) US Government

Website: BBC Article – Liquid Water Found on Mars
Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44952710
Source: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Funding: (Public) UK Government

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WebQuest Hits: 284
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