
Community Worker

Teacher Page

this webquest is basically a lesson plan with some appropriate activities for a grade 3 class. the theme for this webquest is "community workers". this webquest can be completed in one class but it will be available for students to return to. this webquest is designed for teachers to use with their students as online activities and to promote the children's use of technology integration in the classroom. children can use the links in the resources sections to easily assess the things needed to complete the tasks.


this webquest should be use soley for the purpose it was created and children should be granted equal opportunity in using it. Also, teachers should bear in mind the ISTE standards for both teachers and students when engaging in the online opportunity.


special thanks to the following persons who helped in making this webquest a success:
1. Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs. K. Waller (lectures from Shortwood Teahers' College, Education Department)
2. My classmates who helped me in making it
3. google search engine
4. YouTube for the videos
5. microsoft word

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WebQuest Hits: 885
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