
Henry VIII and his six wives

Teacher Page


This Webquest was designed to be used by Entry 3 level ESOL learners.


To develop students reading skills and introduced a topic that may be useful for citizenship.




By the end of the session the students will have:
1. Developed their skimming and scanning reading skills.
2. Increased their vocabulary set.
3. Been introduced to an influential figure in Britain and thus gaining a better

    understanding of British history.

4. Improved their Internet searching skills.


Core Curriculum reference:

* Rt/E3.2a recognise the different purposes of texts at this level

* Rt/E3.4a: identify the main points and ideas, and predict words from context

* Rt/E3.7a: scan texts to locate information

* Rt/E3.8a:  obtain specific information through detailed reading

* Rw/E3.1a: recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
* Rw/E3.3a: use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words



The information gathered from this Webquest will be used when creating the time-line. Set aside between two to three sessions (a total of two to three hours) to allow the students time to complete the six exercises and design their time-lines. If prefered, any exercises not completed in class can be completed for homework.

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