
The Human Digestive System

Teacher Page


 In this lesson activity students will learn more about Digestive System. They will find information and videos about Digestive System, Digestive Organs and their Functions. The students will identify the importance of taking care to their digestive system.

To complete this activity students will spend 4 hours.
First one hour they will collect information and video in their groups.
Next, they will discuss and start making the presentation.
When students make presentation on their own, they can understand the concept of digestive system and it will help them to keep the information for longer days. 
And this activity is also encourages students to maintain their participation and co-operation among them and teacher. 


Inguraidhoo School
Grade 4
The students can understand:
The Human Digestive System.
The Main organs in the digestive system.
The functions of the digestive organs.
The activities can do to take care of the digestive system.


All the images are taken from Google images under the name Digestive system.
All the videos are taken from YouTube.

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