
7 Principles of the US Constitution Cartoon Creation

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Being an American isn't just going to school and paying taxes. We as American's have a great responsibility to get involved, become knowledgeable, and teach others what our rights, responsibilities, and opportunities we have. Our history is just as important as our future. In American Civics, we are learning about history with the technology of today. Reach out, get creative, and learn what "We" as American citizens can do.

This lesson discusses the main principles of the U.S. Constitution.


The Common Core Standards involved in this lesson:

Why was the U.S. Constitution written? What are the main ideas and principles of the U.S. Constitution?

SS.7.C.1.5 Identify how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the Constitution.

SS.7.C.1.6: Interpret the intentions of the Preamble of the Constitution.


This lesson has been adapted from the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship.


There is always a great idea out there that will help guide the pathway for education to be fun and engaging, as well as technologically effective.

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