
Los pa�ses que hablan espa�ol

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When you have finished the task, you will have learned not only quite a bit of information about your own country, but plenty of information about other Spanish - speaking countries as well. I hope that will have grown to respect the cultural similarities and differences between our own country and the countries that have been presented. I hope you have enjoyed this project!

To make this an inside and outside of the classroom project, have the students first answer the questions on their own; and then the next day in class use class time to check over there work a provide feedback to the students/ have students start working on their posters. Then third day can used for presentations (or the start of presentations)


Spanish 1: Grade 5

28.A.1a Recognize basic language patterns (e.g., forms of address, questions, case)
28.A.1b Respond appropriately to simple commands in the target language
28.B.1b Imitate pronunciation, intonation and inflection including sounds unique to the target language
29.C.1c Identify primary media sources (e.g., television, radio, CD/ROM, software, films, on-line resources, websites, periodicals) in the target language.
29.D.1 Recognize important people and events (e.g., special celebrations) in the history of areas where the target language is spoken.

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