
Social Studies and the World Around Us

Teacher Page

Arizona State Standards

Grade :4


Standard One:
Students will understand that productive resource are limited.  Therefore, people cannot have all the goods and services tehy want as a result they must choose some things and give up others.


Standard 2:
Students will understand How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context.

World History 1750-1914

Strand 2:
The causes and consequences of teh agricultural and industrial revolution, 1700-1850.


Strand 2:
How does the government established by the Constitution Embody the purpose, Values, and Principles of American Democracy?

a. What is the United States Constitution and why is it important?
b. What does the national government do and how does it protest individual rights and promote and the common good?
c.  What are the major responsibilities of state government?
d. What re the major responsibilities of local government?
e. Who represents you in the legislative and executive branches of your local, state, and national governments?

U.S. History

Standard 2:
How the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and teh westward movement changed the lives of Americans and lead toward regional tensions.





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