
Arab-Israeli Conflict



Phil Gerhardt

Spencerport High School

Global History

Mr. Gerhardt, affectionately known by his students as "Glorious Leader Gerhardt" (the GLG) believes that all of his students (a.k.a. comrades) want to succeed in life.  The definition of "success" is fluid and varies from comrade to comrade.  Ultimately, however, success is becoming a productive member of society (our "Global Team") in which one contributes more than he/she takes from that team.  Remember, there is no "I" in the word "Team" (unless you spell it wrong).

When not bringing enlightenment to his Glorious Comrades, GLG enjoys watching the Beloved Buffalo Bills, eating gummy bears, and spending time with his daughter, Addison (his GLG- "Glorious Little Gerhardt"), son Aidan (the GLG- "Glorious Littler Gerhardt") and wife, Lindsay ("Mrs. GLG").

Famous Gerhardtian Quote- "Remember, being afraid is the leading cause of fear... don't be afraid to fight the fear of success.  Go Bills!"

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