
AP Medical Ethics



As we read the stories and the articles, you will be considering the ideals of medical experimentation and the ethics that are involved. You will create a documented argument over a topic of your choice. 

Choose a current topic dealing with medical ethics, conduct research, and write an essay. Some topic ideas are listed below, but if you choose to work with an issue not on the list, please check it with me.

In your essay present both sides of the issue, offer a solution, or establish your position on this issue. Refer to at least three sources and document them in your essay when you quote them, paraphrase them, or refer to them. This can be done using internal notation. Put the author’s name in parentheses after the statement with the end punctuation after the parentheses.

Example: While heavy-metal music does not physically harm its listeners, it is excruciatingly painful for some listeners.

This paper should be typed, double-spaced, and written in 12-point font. It should not exceed five pages. Your essay is due on, Friday, May 5th, and will be scored for the 4th Quarter grading period. Please observe formal conventions of writing. Be ready on April 26 to present a position statement suggesting the focus of your paper to the class, and to field questions about your topic.

I would be happy to conference with you about this essay after you have written a rough draft. 

Here are some topics for you to think about:

  • Physician-assisted suicide
  • Lawsuits against physicians
  • Transplants, who is entitled to them?
  • Animal research to save human lives
  • Right to life issues
  • Chronic pain management leading to drug abuse 
  • Producing children for the benefit of others 
  • Pharmaceutical companies skewing research
  • Cloning
  • Doping
  • Genetic testing 
  • In-vitro fertilization 
  • Selective breeding 
  • Late-term abortions 

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