
South Carolinia State Animals



As a zoologist, you have been assigned to research, study, and take care of an assigned state animal. It is your responsibility to learn anything and everything you can about your animal so that they will remain healthy and thrive under your care. You will need to know what your subject looks like, likes to eat, it's habitat, as well as its life cycle.

1.  You will research the vital facts about your animal/plant: its habitat, diet, region, and life cycle. As you read through this website, look for any adaptations your subject may have had to make in order to survive in its habitat.

2.  You will find information at the following sites:                                                                  

                               Savannah River Ecology Lab        http://srelherp.uga.edu/

3.   You may pair up or work in small groups to watch the videos on animal characteristics:

                               What is a mammal?                       http://www.readyed.com.au/Sites/zoo/mammal.htm

                               What is a reptile?                           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLtkB60JRkY&feature=related 

                               What is an amphibian?                  http://www.fish.state.pa.us/anglerboater/2003/ma03angler/p3whatamp.pdf    

                               What is a fish?                                http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzGNR2rU-N4

                               What is a bird?                               http://idahoptv.org/dialogue4kids/season5/boprey/bird.cfm

4.  After you have completed gathering and organizing of all of the information on your animal, you will share what you learned about your animal with your classmates.



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