
Alphabet Hunt



Your going to be going through websites looking at your letter of the day! you will have a handout that will have all twenty six letters and one object whos name begins with that letter! you may color these objects later if you have the time! This is the book you will get to take home to practice with! when you get home you need to find an object whos name begins with the letter of the day and draw it on the back of that letters page! some days we will do this in class instead of at home! we will see who can find the most objects for each letter, so work as hard as you can! once you have completed all twenty six letters you will get a handout that will have you trace each letter so you know how it is suppossed to look! if you have extra time you can try to spell out the names of the objects you draw on your alphabet book, you dont have to, this is optional!!

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