
Knowing More about Credit Card Fraud

Credit Card Fraud

A quiz that will allow the user to test knowledge on credit card fraud through definitions and facts.

Question #1

True or False: Counterfeit cards are the most common type of credit card fraud?

Question #2

What percent of all internet fraud involves credit or debit cards?

Question #3

What is the illegal process of capturing credit card information from electronic card readers for the purpose of fraud?

Question #4

The credit card industry term to describe a consumer who makes an internet purchase with his/her credit card and then claims not have received it is know as _______________.

Question #5

__________________ is the process of sending emails asking people to update their credit card or bank account information for the purpose of fraud.

Question #6

What is the maximum liability that the credit card holder is responsible for if he/she is a victim of credit card fraud?

Question #7

What is the process used by thieves to verify if a card has been reporting stolen?

Question #8

The practice of making it difficult to cancel a product or service (e.g magazine subscriptions) ordered with a credit card is know as _________________.

Question #9

What is a new type of credit card that uses cryptography(secret codes) and microprocessor for added security?

Question #10

What is the purpose of this WebQuest?

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