
Culturally Supportive Education


Lesson Plan for a Culturally Diverse School

Objective:  The purpose of this lesson plan is to teach technology in a culturally diverse class that incorporates the six principles outlines by Chrisholm (1998).  These six principles: cultural awareness, cultural relevance, culturally supportive environment, equitable access, instructional flexibility, and instructional integration will guide us as we execute this lesson plan.

Materials:  Desktop computers, laptops, web cams, electronic boards, speakers, projectors, cameras, DVD players, Video Cameras.

Delivery Method: 

1. Warm-up:  (5-10 minutes).  The class will start with a 5-10 minutes warm up.  During the warm-up, students can check their emails, watch YouTube Video clips, surf the web, listen to music or just type.

2.  Classwork:  (20-25 minutes). Each student will research a topic of their choice and write a one-page report on their findings.  Teacher will approve the topic and then allow each student to either write or type their findings.  Once they complete the page, they can either email it to the teacher or hand him a hard copy.  This will allow instructional flexibility, one of the principles outlined by Chrisholm. (1998).

3.  Presentations/Conclusion:  (15 minutes).  Before the class ends, students who feel comfortable will be allowed to present their research in class.  This will also be time for classroom interaction, and time for students to ask questions.

Chisholm, I. M. (1998). Six elements for technology integration in multicultural classrooms. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 7(2), 247-268.

Chisholm, I. M. & Wetzel, K. (2001). Technology and multiculturalism in the classroom: Case studies in  attitudes and motivations. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33(5), 1-33.

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