
Tattoo & Body Art



Your task is divided in six parts. 

- To solve the first and second part follow the next instructions:

1.  Open a Microsoft Word file under the name: "TattooBodyArt".
2. Write your name and your e-mail.
3. Answer the questions 1 and 2 below.
4. You can access the websites that I have already provided. They are good websites that help you to develop your understanding.

- To solve the third and fourth part follow the next instructions: 

1. Access this link: "Update on today with tattoos".
2. Read.
3. In the same  document "TattooBodyArt" write and order the six most important concepts of the reading.
4. Try to explain the relationship among them.

- To develop the fifth and sixth part of the task, follow the next step:

1. Open a PowerPoint file.
2. Name the document: mind map-your name. (Example: Mind map -Maria Lacharme)
3. Using PowerPoint tools desing the mind map.
4. When you finish save as JPEG image (File interchange format JPEG).
5. Send and share your image with other partners.
6. You can access the websites that I have already provided. They are good websites that help you to develop your understanding.

To send your task:

1. Attach the two files (image and the word document).
2. In the subject write: your name - Activity Webquest Tattoo and Body Art. (Example: Maria Lacharme - Activity Webquest Tattoo and Body Art)
3. If you have anny comment, feel free to do it in the message box.

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