
What are Integers?



For this project, you will have to look through a variety of websites to find the answers to the questions on the task page. 

1) How are integers used in real life?
      For this question, you will be writing a well developed paragraph giving examples of how integers are used in our lives.
2) What is the importance of integers?
      For this question, you will be writing a well developed paragraph about how integers are deeply woven in our lives and why we use them.
3) How do you know if one integer is greater than another one? (Use detailed examples)
       Explain how to find out if one integer is greater than another. (2-3 paragraphs)
4) Make a poster of the uses of integers. Include:
     a) Pictures and descriptions of different ways integers are used in real life (Give at least 4 examples)
     b) A short paragraph about the importance of integers
     c) A short paragraph telling me about how to find which integer is greater; -5 or -6
5) What were some of the sources you used to finish this project? (Give at least 6 sources)

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