
Our Common Heritage



Students will be engaged with a YouTube video before led in a discussion about the different
ethnic groups and a question-and-answer session:

 What is your nationality?
 What is the motto of your island?
 Give an explanation of the motto
 Can you list at least 2 groups that form the many people mentioned in the motto?

Students and Teacher will discuss the different ethnic groups. Students will list the ethnic groups
then tell when, why and who brought them to the Caribbean. They will also state where each
group originated from.
Students will share their previous knowledge and understanding of what a timeline is.
Students will observe a picture of the timeline in which each ethnic group came to Jamaica
shown by teacher. Students will participate by providing the information that should be written
at each line.
Students will be engaged in activities that will help the teacher to know if the students have
grasped the content.
1. List the countries of origin for:
Tainos Spanish Africans English
Indians Chinese
2. Complete map identifying places of origin of ethnic groups.

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