
Counting Money Activity!




1) Watch the Counting Money Video by clicking Here

2) Complete the Counting Money Activity by clicking Here

3) Read through the text to refresh your brain on coins and what they are worth to help you complete the questions.

4) Fill in the boxes the correct amount for each question, and once you are finished, click correct my answers.

5) Re-attempt assignment until you get 100%

7) Click Here for the Coins for Candy Game, then click mouse, and then choose the hard version

9) Play until you have 10 correct answers. (this is shown in the upper left hand corner)

10)  Play Cool Math Money game here and click harder to start

11) Choose the correct value for the change shown until your character wins the tug a war

12) Construct a sentence with the format- I have ___ quarters, ___ dimes, ____ nickels, and ____ pennies. I have ____ .  (total value under $1.00)

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