
Autism Spectrum Disorder | Social Skills


1) Learners, the first thing you must know is… what exactly is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Below is some links to further explain what it is and there is a video linked of someone defining it and giving more in depth detail about autism.

Video Explanation - ASD
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

2) Once you have clicked both links and read about what ASD and watched the video in full you will now understand the disorder. Now you can click these links below to learn how ASD affects a person’s social skills and learn some strategies to help them develop social skills.

Strategies for helping autistic children develop social skills

Social Skills

3) Now that you know about Autism, social skills, and some strategies to develop social skills. Let’s watch this video below to show you exactly how you might teach social skills.

How To Teach Social Skills

4) Now that you have gathered all this information, it is time to start thinking about how you will create your video, thinking about what exactly you will say, and preparing to show yourself teaching social skills in different scenarios.

5) Here is a list of scenarios, please include at least 2 mentioned in your final video.

a. What would be a beneficial social skills technique to use for a school-aged child that does not play with peers at recess? What strategy can be used to get him/her to interact with others?

b. What would be a beneficial social skills technique to use for a school-aged student that does not respond verbally or gesturally to hearing, “good morning” from an adult?

c. What would be a beneficial social skills technique to use for a school-aged student that interrupts adults speaking by blurting out each time?

d. What would be a beneficial social skills technique to use for a school-aged student that does not give peers personal space?

e. What would be a beneficial social skills technique to use for a school-aged student that has a hard time with hearing the word, “no”.

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