
Historical Places



1) Research

  •      Start with forming groups of three.
  •      Visit the official page of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.  
  •     Or a website that shows places to visit in a city such as TripAdvisor.
  •      Find the museums page and choose 3 historical places of your city.
  •      Search their locations on Google Maps and plan a trip with your group members.
  •      Before going to those places make research about them and take note of important information.
  •      Find answers to these questions:
          1. What is the location of the historic place?
          2. Is it a favorite tourist attraction? Why?
          3. What is its architecture like?
          4. What is the history of the place?
          5. Which empire or ancient civilization built it? etc.

2) Visiting and Interviewing

  •      Prepare 5 questions to ask people around the historical places. You can ask them what they know about the place if they have visited it before etc.  
  •      Take a camera or smartphone with you.
  •      Visit the places and shoot a documentary video of each place for your foreign friends. Give the basic information about the places and show the parts you liked.
  •      When you left the historical places, try to find a quiet place and some volunteers to make a podcast. Ask them the questions you prepared before. Don’t forget to record their voices.

3) Editing

  •      After that, edit your videos (3 separate videos for each place) and podcast with a program such as VegasPro or Adobe Premiere Pro. Add an intro and credits to the video.
  •      When you are done with the videos, upload them to YouTube.
  •      Download the app "ARLOOPA" to create Augmented Reality (AR) photos. Find a photo for each historical place on Google. Match your videos and the photos on ARLOOPA. You will use those photos later. Here is a guideline we prepared for you to use the app.

  • You can also upload your podcast to YouTube but there are other options such as SoundCloud. Choose one.
  • After that, download the app “QR & Barcode Scanner”. Create a QR code and match it with your podcast. You will use that code later. Here is also a guideline we prepared for you to use the app.

4) Creating

  • Now you are ready to create your documentary poster. Find a website for it. We recommend Canva because it is easy to use and you can use it free without any time limit. Here is a training video for you to understand the website.

  • Prepare a poster for your foreign friends from your twin school. It must include the AR photos you created before which sends the scanners to your documentaries and the QR code which sends the scanners to your podcast. Make sure that your poster is catchy by including colors, photos, fonts, etc. Don’t forget to add the names of the historical places and instructions. You must tell them to download “ARLOOPA” to be able to scan the photos.

5) Presenting

  • We will send your posters to our twin school and they will be able to see your documentaries. You will be their online tour guide.
  • You will also make a presentation in your classroom. You will talk about the historical places you have seen and give information to your classmates. When you are finished, you can also talk about your experiences you had while creating your poster, videos, and podcast.

     Have fun!

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