
Restoring Jamestown Museum!



        Get into your assigned groups of three-five as directed by your teacher.  This  

        will determine which part of Jamestown’s history you are researching.    

  • Group 1: Identify the reasons for colonization: Why did the English settlers come to America and why did they choose Jamestown as the best location?
  • Group 2: Identify the importance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London in establishing Jamestown: Why was the charter necessary and what did it do for the English settlers? 
  • Group 3: Identify the importance of the General Assembly as the first representative legislative body in America: What was Jamestown's system of government called?  What was the House of Burgesses and why was it important?
  • Group 4: Identify the importance of the arrival of women and Africans to Jamestown
  • Group 5: Identify the obstacles faced by the settlers once they arrived to Jamestown and how they overcame the difficulties to ensure survival
  • Group 6: Describe the interactions between the English settlers and the native people: How did the interactions ensure the settlers survival and what were the contributions of Chief Powhatan?
Once in your groups, begin looking through the two sites that are listed for your team.  You will find these sites in the "Resources" section of this Webquest (they are in order, Group 1's sites are 7-8, Group 2's are 9-10, Group 3's are 11-12, Group 4's are 13-14, Group 5's are 15-16 and Group 6's are 17-18).  You will also find an attachment of questions at the top of the "Resources" section for your group that should direct your research.  You should click on the one listed for your group.  The answers to these questions will be due at the end of the first day of Webquest.  Do not limit your research to these specific questions, just use them as a guide.  
  1. All members should read each website that is assigned to the group.  Each member should record their own answers and draft their own thoughts.  It is okay if you records some of the same information; you can work together to combine facts or decide what is most important at the end of each day.
  2. In addition to the listed questions, you should also create pictures to go with your facts.  You can practice these each day with your research.
  3. You will have three days to research and cover your specific topic with your group.  The final product is due the last day.  The following is what is expected from your group each day.  Day One: Answers to group question sheet with draft images/ scratch notes of your findings.  Today's notes and images do not have to be perfect!  You have time to work on them.  Day Two: By continuing to research your links if need be, and perfecting your beginning notes, your group should start putting together a poster to represent your information.  This poster should include pictures and text information about your topic.  Be creative, make it look like a newspaper article, an original document, a magazine, a report, etc...The group will have markers, crayons, construction paper, scissors, glue, and the poster board.  You will only hand in your continued draft and beginning work on your poster.  Day Three: Your group should perfect your final product and prepare it for presentation.  Work together to decide who will say what and when.                                                                                                                               
  4. On the final day (Day 4) you will be asked to present your findings to your fellow historians that have been researching other topics about the Jamestown.
  5. Once all groups have shared information, information will be collected by your teacher and sent to the Jamestown Museum where they will be framed and hung for show!


  • File
    Description: Group 5 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

  • File
    Description: Group 3 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

  • File
    Description: Group 2 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

  • File
    Description: Interactions with Natives and Powhatan, Site 2

  • File
    Description: Arrival of Africans and Women, Site 2

  • File
    Description: Importance of the General Assembly, Site 2

  • File
    Description: Group 1 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

  • File
    Description: Importance of the Charters, Site 2

  • File
    Description: Group 6 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

  • File
    Description: Obstacles at Jamestown, Site 2

  • File
    Description: Group 4 Team Members: Open this file for your guiding questions.

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