
Multiple Intelligences



Step 1.  Familiarize yourself with the 8 "ways of knowing" or intelligences.  Read through the brief descriptions in document below titled "Multiple Intelligences".  See if you can pick out two or three intelligences that you are strongest in.  List these in a word document with the proper heading.

Step 2.   Determine what type of intelligences/learning styles you are strongest in by taking on online survey.  Please read the questions carefully and answer honestly in order to get accurate results.  The point is to find out more about who you are, so blowing it off or lying will only misrepresent you and waste your time!

IMPORTANT!!! Write down the code you are given at the end of the survey so you can access your results later!!! Take the online survey here!! 

Step 3.  List several reasons why you agree or disagree with the results of the survey.  This will consist of a look at what likes or dislikes you have, hobbies you enjoy, learning preferences, strengths and abilities, or other traits about yourself that affirm or deny the validity of the survey results.  Put these in your word document as well.

Step 4.  You are not the only person with these learning tendencies.  Find out who else shares (or shared) your strongest intelligence type.  Use the powerpoint presentation below titled "MI Powerpoint" to learn a little more and see some famous people that you may have something in common with.  Pick one person to research a little more about and record your findings in your word document.

Step 5.  Now you will present your findings in a way that utilizes one of your strongest intelligences.  This is up to you!  You decide what you'll do.  Pick something that corresponds with one of your strongest intelligences.  Whatever you pick, it must address all areas of the webquest.  This step will be easy since you've  been keeping track of the process in your word document.  More detail is listed in the document below titled "Your Final Product"

Have fun with this - pick something you'll enjoy doing!!  That's the point!




  • File
    Description: "Multiple Intelligences"

  • File
    Description: "MI Powerpoint"

  • File
    Description: "Your Final Product"

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