
Arthropods - Crunchy Critters



You are writing an informative book on Arthropods to share with other middle school students and upper elementary kids.  Your book will help teach the basics about Arthropods in a colorful and interesting way.

You are welcome to type and paste your words and pictures into your book; however, the book can be done by hand with pictures drawn or cut from magazines.  A hard copy will be turned in. 

The following should be included.  Visit the website links provided to get lots of great information for your book.  Keep track of websites that you use to include in your bibliography.

http://siera104.com/bio/arthro.html - This is a good overall site.

1.  What are the main characteristics of the phylum Arthropod?  http://www.sasionline.org/arthzoo/arthchar.htm  http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/animals1/phylum/arthropod.html

2.  What does the word Arthropod mean? http://www.blurtit.com/q759610.html

3.  What are the main classes of Arthropods and their characteristics?  http://www.backyardnature.net/arthropd.htm

4.  How does an exoskeleton protect an arthropod?  http://www.backyardnature.net/arthropd.htm

5.  Describe the life cycles of insects.  http://www.kendall-bioresearch.co.uk/life.htm

6.  How are an insect's mouth parts specialized?  http://www.amentsoc.org/insects/fact-files/mouthparts.html

7.  What roles do insects play in food chains and webs? http://sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/foodchain/foodchain.htm

8.  What positive and negative interactions do insects have with other organisms?

9.  Give some examples of Arthropods and their roles in their ecosystem/habitat. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/pictures/Arthropoda.html




Description: Nice video on the symbiotic relationship of parasitism :)

Description: praying mantis video - good description of gradual or incomplete metamorphosis

Description: Luna Moths are so cool - this is a great description of the life cycle of the Luna Moth (complete metamorphosis)

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