
Food chain and web



Activity 1- Individual work

Construct a food web using producers, consumers and decomposers of your choice. But first watch the video and complete the quiz on how to construct a food chain and web so that you have a bettering understanding. In the food web the following must be included:

  • At least two food chains
  • At least one decomposers
  • The arrows to show energy flow
  • Identify the primary producers, primary , secondary and tertiary consumers. 

Quiz  https://www.cserc.org/sierra-fun/games/build-food-chain/

Video https://youtu.be/iYKfkD481cI

Activity 2 - Group work

In groups of 3s complete the following questions.

  1. What is the purpose of a food chain?
  2. Which organisms exclusively feeds on producers?
  3. What is a model that shows all the feeding relationships in an ecosystem?
  4. What organisms can not make its own food?
  5. Which type of organisms feeds only on other consumers?
  6. Which type of organism break down the cells of dead organisms?
  7. Who is a autotroph?
  8. Why does food chain begin with plants?
  9. What is the difference between food chain and web?
  10. What is a producer? 
  11. What is a consumer? 
  12.  What is trophic level?

From the food chain below answer the following questions.

Grass ➡️ Rabbit➡️ Fox

  1. In the food chain (left) what would happen if the rabbits were removed.
  2. What would increase in number due to not being eaten.

Activity 3 - Individual work

Click the link below to complete the quizzes. Complete and  record your answers from the two quizzes below. 



Activity 4 - Group work

In groups of 3s create a presentation that illustrates and describes a food web. You must use a poster or a PowerPoint presentation along with a jingle, dub or a song. Your presentation must be origional, creative and organized. The following must be included in your presentation:

  • The type of biome your using ( tundra, tropical rainforest,  temperate grassland, dessert, and savanna).
  • At least 3 primary producers
  • At least 4  primary consumers
  • At least 4 secondary consumers
  • At leasr 4 teritary consumers
  • The arrows to show the energy path
  • Establish whether the comsumer is herbivore, carnivore, omnivore
  • Identify the trophic levels
  • Identify two decompers

A biome is assigned to each group.

  • Group 1 Tundra
  • Group 2 tropical rainforest 
  • Group 3 dessert
  • Group 4 savanna
  • Group 5 temperate grassland

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