
Wild Radicals




You will be working in groups of four. You are to choose your own group members to work with in creating your Wild Radicals book. Once you decide who you would like to work with, you cannot change your group. It is best that you choose wisely with whom you would like to work with because this is a collaborative grade. 


Each group member is to choose one topic to focus on. The topics: Simplify Radicals, Add Radicals, Subtract Radicals, Multiply Radicals, Divide Radicals and Sovling Radical Equations. The two topics that are left over are the topics the group work on together.


Along with a great explaination for the chosen topic, each member need to come up with 5 practice problems for their individual topics as well as 5 problems for the two topics the group work on together.


Once each member have their explainations and practice problems, the group need to decide on the design of the Wild Radical book and how the flow of the book should be.

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