
Alexander the Great: Positive Unifier or Evil Conqueror?



1. Using a lined sheet of paper, copy a larger version of the chart above. In the part labeled background, record things which happened to Alexander leading up to and ending with him becoming King of Macedonia because these events may help you to decide later as to whether he was good or evil. You may also make a text box via programs such as Microsoft Word, but in that case DO NOT simply copy and paste facts from the websites into the text box--summarize them in your own words. Also, be sure to note his characteristics. Was he tall or short? Smart or not so bright? Brave or cowardly? Which relationships became important during this time in his life? These are just a few examples, however.

2. Follow the internet links that are listed, read about events in his life, and take notes on either side of the chart depending on what you feel is the case. For instance if the event that you are reading about has mostly positive effects to it or Alexander acted in such a way that it seems he is a nice person, add that to the good side with a note explaining your reasoning. Do the same for events that you feel he acted in an evil manner. If there is an event where certain parts could be good and others evil, be sure to separate them and explain both sides. An example could be him winning a very bloody battle but then being kind to those on his enemy’s side after the battle was done. You will probably need to extend the chart to fit all of your notes. Just use the one above as an example of how to begin.

3. Review your notes and decide if you feel he is good or evil, then circle that on your chart.

4. Now that you have decided, you must type a one page paper explaining your reasoning and citing events as evidence. You may not sit on the fence and say he was both good and evil, but rather, the question is was he good OR evil? Terrible people can have good moments while on the flip-side, nice people can have awful moments. That is not up for debate, and should not be part of your paper. Explain whether he was good OR evil, period. You may only use support that can be found in your chart, though. Be sure that your paper is well-organized, error-free, and is single spaced in Times New Roman font, size 12.

5. Draw either a picture or a political cartoon that summarizes your belief about Alexander as to whether he is good or evil. As I have said before in class, if you recall what my pictures have looked like, you know that artistic ability is not the most important aspect, but rather the content of the picture itself. Although, this does not mean it can be simply scribbled on paper! The following criterion must be met. It must be on a blank piece of computer paper, be in color, labeled (if need be), and cannot contain stick figures. Be sure your name and period number are on the back. In addition the images drawn must be original and not found in a book or online.

6. To prepare for the debate which will happen in class, use an index card and jot down important “talking points” and any more information that may help you win against a person of the opposite opinion. Also, be sure to add important phrases that may help you sound better prepared for the debate such as “I understand your point, however, …,” “”That is true, but did you know…,” etc.


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