



Christmas is a global celebration. You have already seen how the legend of Santa Claus varies greatly from country to country. For the following task, you will read about different traditions around the world celebrated at Christmas time.

a. Take a look at the following traditions. As you read them, try to guess which of the countries in the box below these traditions come from. (Some countries are used more than once!)

El Salvador United States Great Britain Spain Japan Venezuela Canada Brazil Denmark Guatemala Estonia Poland Philippines Italy Armenia Germany Colombia
Twenty Christmas traditions from around the world
During the Christmas meal, Christmas crackers containing toys, jokes and a paper hat are pulled. ________________
A white sponge cake covered with cream and decorated with strawberries is often consumed. ________________
Children put their shoes in the window in the hope that the three wise men will deliver their presents. ________________
Christmas carols are heard as early as 1st September. ________________
On 6th January, female puppets are burned on a pyre to symbolize the death of the old year and beginning of the new year. ________________
They celebrate the Cavalcade of Lights Festival. ________________
The Christmas tree usually stands centrally in the home, decorated with ornaments, tinsel and lights, with an angel or star at the top. ________________
People dress up in an ornamental hat named a Puritina and dance in a line. ________________
Potato salad with frankfurters and wiener sausages is a popular meal in some families. ________________
Children take presents of fruits, nuts and other sweets to older relatives. ________________
In many cities, and even in small rural towns, neighbourhoods get together and decorate their whole neighbourhood or street, turning streets into ‘tunnels of light’. ________________
Neighbourhoods get together for night festivals where children play with skateboards, rollerblades and bicycles. ________________
On 6th December, Saint Nicholas puts goodies in children’s shoes. ________________
Rice pudding is traditionally served with whipped cream and lots of black cherry sauce. ________________
Electric candles and glowing stars are placed in almost every window during the month of December. ________________
A traditional meal includes herring and beetroot soup with ravioli. ________________
It is a tradition for children to leave a glass of milk and plate of cookies for Santa. _______________
In some cities, judges decide on the most beautifully decorated house. ________________
Children are visited by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and must sing songs or recite Christmas poems before they receive their presents. _______________
Children celebrate Christmas by playing with firecrackers and sparklers. ________________

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