
Come Learn How to Read!



Task 1: Technology Safety

*Talk about technology safety with an adult. Here is a short video to watch.


*After listening to the video, talk about the 5 safety tips and make a plan on what to do if you feel something isn’t right. 

(You don’t have to watch the video every night, but remember to always talk about technology safety when you begin.)

Task 2: Bookflix


*Click on the link above. Once on the page, the first link you will see is called Scholastic Bookflix. Click on it to direct you to the right page.

*Pick any category.

*Flip through the pages and find a book you want to listen to. 

*Watch the story.

*Read the book.

*Complete one of the Puzzlers.

(You should pick different stories to listen to every day!)

Task 3: Compass Learning


*Click on the link above.

*You will need the card with your login information that came in your back to school night packet. Type in your username (5 digits) and password and change the school to Wyandotte.

*Once you are logged in, you will see two path choices.

*Click on the BLUE reading path and it will take you to the next step.

*Click on skills, and then click the lesson with a snowflake star in the corner(*).

*Once you have selected it, a video will start and you can complete the lesson.

*When you finish, remember to log out!

Task 4: Kids A-Z


*Click on the link above. Make sure you are under the right teacher: Dana Stephens. (If you aren’t, click on pick a different teacher and put in my username: dstephens2.) 

*Find your name and click on it.

*Click on the password (the duck) and press GO.

*Read 3 books.

Task 5: ABC Mouse


*Click on the link above to take you to the login page. You will need to know the email and password that your parents created. (It is also on the card that was in your back to school night packet.)

*Type in the email address and password.

*Click on my lessons to get started.

*Complete 1 lesson.

These are not tasks that have to be completed, but are a couple fun technology websites with a lot of games that you might want to explore and play.



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