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·       What effect does acid rain have on EpisodicAcidification?

·       How does the effect of acid rain on NitrogenPollution?

·       What effect does acid rain have on Visibility?

·       What effect does acid rain have on HumanHealth?

·       What Effects does Acid Rain on Materials?

  • What are the danger signs of the effect of acid rain on aquatic systems?



  • What is acid rain?
  • What chemicals make rain acidic, and how does it happen?
  • Where do these chemical come from?
  • How do we measure the acidity of rain?
  • What is PH?
  • Describe the PH range and list various things that correspond to the various ph levels.
  • What is the PH of normal rain, and at what level does the ph become dangerous?


  • What effect does acid rain have on trees and soil?
  • How does the effect of acid rain on trees and plants affect us?
  • What happens when lakes and aquatic systems become acidic?
  • How does acidic water systems affect us?
  • Are the aquatic systems in our area being affected by acid rain? If yes, to what extent?
  • What are the danger signs of the effect of acid rain on aquatic systems?


  • How does acid rain affect humans?
  • What are some of the direct effects of acid rain on humans? Are there any health problems associated with acid rain?
  • What are some of the indirect effects of acid rain on humans? Does acid rain affect our sources of food, water, and air?
  • What are the consequences of the effects of acid rain on people?


  • Does acid rain affect building materials?
  • Does acid rain have an effect on architecture?
  • What does acid rain do to our roads, highways, and bridges?
  • What is the effect of acid rain on things made from metal such as automobiles, trains, buses, and other means of transportation?
  • What does the effect of acid rain cost us in terms of money?
  • What are the economic consequences of acid rain on fisheries, forestry, and agriculture?


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