
Let me transform you!



All of your findings need to be compiled together for a brief presentation to your classmates. Do not wait until the last minute because if you need assistance scanning your documents, you will need to inform a teacher as early as possible.

To complete TASK 1, view the Math Shorts (PBS) video in the resources below. You can draw your own coordinate plane but it must be on graph paper and drawn to scale. Otherwise, use the template provided.

To complete TASK 2, click the link below and follow the instructions given.

TASK 3 is all on you! Any pictures that are located online must be cited in your presentation. 

To complete TASK 4, think backwards, just as your reflection appears. 

Once your presentation has been compiled, please email to your instructor.


  • Math Shorts Video
    Description: Use this to complete TASK 1. Open the zip file and choose the video in the folder.


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