
Moon Phases Mitchell



This is a long exercise, and we will be devoting a lot of class time to it so you have plenty of time to finish it, so don't worry lets have fun with it. So Jr. astronomers, lets begin our journey.
The first step will be for your group to print off the KWL chart provided on the tasks page. You and your group members will fill out as much as you know about the phases of the moon and the causes for the changes in the moon appearance. Than write down the things you want to know. We will revisit this near the end of the lesson to fill out what we have learned.

Next, over the next month you will observe the moon at home and at night and see the different changes that occur. Each member of the group by the end of the month will have to create a chart or picture showing the different phases of the moon and their names. (This in not a group project each student must turn one in, however you may work on them together in group time if you wish)

Last you must create either a mind map of the things you learned about the phases of the moon and what causes it. You will do this by cutting images from magazines and pasting them on paper. Be creative use different images for the moon. (is chocolate chip cookies, or the word moon as opposed to pictures of the moon) Or you group can build a working model that shows the different phases of the moon. Again use your imagination here, but remember the one thing that you will need is a light source that can act as the Sun.

Use the resource below for you research or you may do your own search on the phases of the moon as well

Good luck, and remember I am here to help, and most important have fun and use those imaginations!!!! 

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