
Save the Tiger Mason

Process and Product


1. First you will divided into teams of four. In order to be a convincing advocate for tigers, you need to learn all you can about them. Use the following web sites for basic tiger information. Each team member should choose one of the following topics to research:

 - Describe a tiger's habitat.
 - What do tiger's eat?
 - How do the sub-species of tigers differ?
 - Where do tigers live today and where did tigers live 100 years ago? For this question, please start with Google Maps for country images.

      This site is dedicated to all of the big cats, as well as zoos in North America. There are too many ads on each page which is a bit distracting but the site has good facts on tigers that you may not find anywhere else.

       This is a very professional site with indepth information about all the sub-species of tigers. You will find answers to all of the questions for your research and also enjoy some very good videos and images of tigers.

      This is definitely the site to visit for the most indepth information on the sub-species. This also has an interesting section on tigers and their interaction with humans.

2.  If your team still has questions about tigers, consider consulting with a tiger expert at Save the Tiger Fund:


3. Now, you are ready to learn about conservation programs aimed at tigers. Each member of your team should research one of the following organizations. Consider their successes and failures and be prepared to decide whether or not to recommend that the world leaders work with these organizations.

http://www.worldwildlife.org/tigers  World Wildlife fund is generally a highly respected advocate for animals. Check and see if they understand the problems with tigers.

http://www.savethetigerfund.org  This organization is solely dedicated to saving tigers. They may be a bit extreme but a skilled researcher can find out what is true and what might be exaggerated.

 A good professional organization dedicated to raising money and awareness. The site has tiger facts, tiger news and tiger blogs.

http://www.forevertigers.com   This site is not as professional in appearance. See if you can determine the validity of the organization.

4.  Watch the following tiger conservation video. Consider adding links in your paper or PowerPoint to this or other conservation videos.

http://youtu.be/fDNCI4tJSTU  This is the movie trailer to a wonderful documentary about a tiger named Broken Tail. The producers and directors spent 600 days following this tiger. It details the problems that man and tiger have sharing a habitat. You will certainly want to see the movie after viewing this trailer.

5.  Examine the timeline of tiger conservation. Be certain to add these points to your presentation.

http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/97244  A very complete timeline covering the last century and highlights in tiger conservation - both positive and negative.

6. Do you think you know enough to convince the world leaders of the importance of tigers? Take the interactive quiz at the end of this webquest and then return to item number 7. Good Luck!!!

7.  Work together as a team to write a persuasive paper on the importance of saving the world's remaining tigers. Remember your audience. Visit ReadWriteThink for help and ideas.


8. Now, it is time for your PowerPoint. Revisit the web sites above and Google images for captivating tiger images to persuade the world leaders. If you need help making your PowerPoint, visit the following help site.


Your PowerPoint should include basic information about tigers, how their habitat has diminished over the past century, groups that are trying to help tigers and your persuasive argument for why the world leaders should help.

There should be at least 15 slide with pictures on each slide.










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