
Geometry through History



Please read the following article and write down notes about your findings: https://nrich.maths.org/6352  

Think about the topics you have learned this year and discoveries throughout history that you find particularly interesting.  Also think about how geometry has helped with the discovery and how it has changed our world today.  
   -For example, the Egyptians used special right triangles to survey land as far back as 3000 BC.  Although they did not have a formula or even the concept of using variables to represent numbers, they were able to use ropes to measure distance.  In 500 BC, Pythagoras  discovered the formula we use today (Pythagorean Theorem) and it is still used in numerous fields (ex. construction, architecture, maps, etc).  
-Visit http://pankaj1962.blogspot.com/2014/12/egyptian-triangle.html for an explanation of the Egytptian trianlge.   

-Watch the following funny video for some examples of the Pythagorean Theorem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhFjfCdG61Y

-Also, use this website as a resource to help you chose and study a topic (The Story of Mathematics): http://www.storyofmathematics.com/story.html

Next you will use the resources provided as well as your additional research to choose a topic in Geometry from this semester and relate it to a discovery in the past.  You will explain why the discovery was so important at this time, how the topic in geometry played a key role in this discovery, and how it has changed and impacted devices used today.  

You will create a google slides presentation which will be shared with your peers.  Please be sure to include at least one reference from the following sources: a website, an article, and a book (or excerpt from a book).  You will thoroughly describe your findings and their significance to the past and present, and include examples of how they directly relate to the topic in Geometry you chose.   Provide pictures, examples, and data to support your research in the presentation. Be prepared to make connections to another peer's presentation.  We will be making a timeline and connecting all of your Geometry peers google slides to see how Geometry has affected the past and present.

Timeline:  (Please see checklist for daily expectations)

Day 1:  Review this WebQuest and think about the topics you studied this year.  Write down notes, questions you have about the project, and potential ideas you have to begin this process.  Look at the links provided and do some research online. Ask me questions as they come up and be prepared to share your notes and thought process with me.  Feel free to discuss your ideas with other students

Day 2:  Come to class prepared to share your choice of the topic and historical significance.  We will look through your conclusions and you can begin preparing your google slides.  By the end of class you should have your title page and background information prepared in the slides and start compiling your resources.  (See checklist for details)

Day3:  You will organize your slides and make sure it follows the rubric.  At any time, feel free to ask for my input and we can review the expectations.
If your presentation is not completed, you will add the finishing touches and I will provide feedback. If the presentation takes the whole period to complete, I will have written feedback for the next class.

Day 4:  You will be able to make any necessary changes to the slides and ask me any additional questions you may have.  You will also have time to look over presentations that were completed by your peers.  

(*Note the project should be completed on Day 4 and Day 5 will  be for reflections*)

Day 5:   We will review your peers slides and you will compare to a student's presentation the timeline that is closest to the time you chose.   You will be reflecting on a peers presentation in a google doc and giving your teacher feedback about the project (See google docs).  The reflection should include how their geometry discovery in history relates to yours.  The relation can be through the geometry topic, the historical time, or how it is used today.

Please review the evaluation rubric and daily checklist before submitting,  Extra time will be given if needed to make sure these goals and standards are met.


  • Daily Checklist
    Description: You will follow these steps daily to make sure you are on track to complete the project. When you finish, please complete the project review at the bottom of the page. I will share this document on google docs and create another google docs for our classes to share for the reflection on the timeline.

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