
Creative Writing - Beyond Imagination



The Quest of Your Journey

Getting Creative

Step 1

You have to know the backstory of all the nations. Know them, so that it is easier for you to decide which nations you would like for your homeland, what power it has, and so on.




Step 2

After the groups are assigned, you need to find out which role each person is going to take.

Step 3

Once you know what role which suited for you in the group, write one page of paper telling us about yourself and what special powers you developed.

Give us a background on your character before and after you developed your powers. You also need to pick a name for yourself.

Both your human name and your hero name.

You may find these websites useful to help you build your hero characters :




Step 4

Once you have completed your specific character, you will all comeback together and talk about what power you have and believe to benefit the group.

Step 5

As a group, you will need to come up with a name for your group, a logo, and the location for your headquarters. You will need to turn in a poster size

 board with all 3 things on it.

Be creative!

Search some poster ideas on the internet and be inspired!

Step 6

As a group, you have to come up with a few paragraphs on how your group could make difference in your world and how your group could save your 

nation from Fire Nation’s attack.

Step 7

You will present your group of hero in front of the class, as a group. Each member will talk about their role and their power, and then your group will have  

to show your logo, name, also your story of how you could survive,as well as how you save your nation from the Fire Nation’s attack.


  • The Four Nations - Overview
    Description: STEP 1 : Before you begin your journey, make sure that you know the history of your nation as well as your enemy's.
  • Four Nations' Traits (Video)
    Description: STEP 1 : Before you begin your journey, make sure that you know the history of your nation as well as your enemy's.

  • Character Profile
    Description: STEP 3 : Before you make one page overview about your characters, make sure to fill in this character profile first.

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