
Theories for Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education



History is where we start when we want to know why something exists. We typically build on what we know and are able to talk with other individuals to make whatever we are working on better. There is always a foundation from which we start and in Early Childhood Education we look to the founding contributors for their theories. 

You will type Early Childhood Education in the search engine. Read articles that pertain to the topic to decide which ones are relevant.

This topic is a broad topic so you may want to narrow it down by using words such as "the history of" or "historical figures" in Early Childhood Education. You will read website articles and determine which are relevant.

You will need to make sure that these articles are factual. You can do this by using scholarly articles that have been reviewed and found to be accurate.

Write a paper to discuss what you have learned. In this paper you will need to include:

1. List at least 10 people that you have learned about and their theory. Also include an example of where you have seen this theory being used with a child.
For example: 

John Comenius (1592-1670)he believed that what we learned early on created the basis for what was accomplished in life(Morrison, 2013). This can be seen specifically in children who are ignored early on in life. they are typically given a failure to thrive diagnosis. This doesn't mean that they will never learn, but without the proper attention and care, life becomes very difficult.

Johann Pestalozzi (1746-1827) he believed that children learn through their senses(Morrison, 2013). We see this in babies who put everything in their mouths.They learn through what they see, hear, taste, touch and smell.

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) he believed that children learn through play(Morrison, 2013). Children learn so much through choices that they make. What they like to do, how to share with others, social skills when playing with friends, etc..

2. Who's theory you think you will use the most in your classroom and why? Could be one historical person, or multiple. 

3. Review NAEYC Standards. Incorporate how you will use them in your classroom.

4. Give three examples of assessments that can be used in a classroom that are developmentally appropriate for the age you are teaching.

This paper should be 7-10 pages and include all resources used. 


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