
Drawing A Portrait in 3/4 View



Step One--View the video on nose drawing located on the introduction page and on the task page (It is the same video on either page).  Divide your paper into nine equal sections using two horizontal lines and two vertical lines.  Using  a mirror, observe your nose.  Sketch your own nose ten times making careful observations before you make each mark.  Your finished sketches will contain value changes.  Your nose is not a flat shape.  You must add value changes.  This is what will change your nose drawings from flat shapes to forms which have dimension.  Line drawings will not satisfy this step.  Think about how the nose drawing was completed in the video.

This portrait and all of the sketches are due before the end of class on November 24th.  If you complete one step each day, you will begin your final portrait on Friday November 19th.  This will give you four class days to complete your finished self portrait. 

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