



Firsly, we must know verb in grammar and the different betwen tenses.

Englishrequires a thorough understanding of how verbs are used. Even the bestspeakers and writers sometimes have some troubles in choosing theappropriate or correct form of a verb for a sentence. For an instance,how often have you heard "I sung the song" instead of "I sang thesong"?   But, we first have to know what a verb is.

1.   What is a verb?


2.   What is a Tense 


3.   Verb Tenses

  An important use of the verb is to indicate when something happens. Itis the tense of a verb that tells you if something is happening rightnow , was happening at some time in the past or will be happening atsome time in the future.

   There are two ways in forming the past tense of the verb. Here is a site that will teach more about it.


4.   The Six Tenses of Verbs

  Truly, learning the verb tense is one of the major requirements for usto learn more about the language to give us a clearer view of the ruleson using these verb tenses just click on the link below.

   You can proceed to this next link to see the tenses in the sequencial form with some examples.


5.  We often get confused in using the correct forms of the verb "Be". Thuswe included this link to teach us more about the forms of the verb "Be".


6.  Here is the summary of Verb Tenses we have just tackled.


7.  You can also see here in a table, the summary of our lesson.


8. You may encounter some irregular verbs. To help you discover more ofthe irregular verbs here are some lists of irregular verbs that you canbe familiar with.

 List of irregular verbs


9.  Here are some online exercises to check if you really understood the lesson.


10. Construc short paragraph in not less than 3 sentences using the correct verbtenses that is expressing the future action.


english grammar video

Description: this video explaining all the english tenses and verbs.

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